
Rissole Festival

On Sunday December 8, Saint Paul en Chablais will be THE capital of "R'zule". The whole village is mobilizing to prepare for the day, in the pure Haute-Savoyarde tradition.

From 10:00 a.m.: Opening of the Festival and the craft and gourmet market

10:15 a.m.: Presentation of rissoles made by children taking part in workshops

10:30 am: Arrival of DJ MATAFAN

11am: Rissoles challenge to DJ MATAFAN

11:00 am in Salle Gavotine: Neige et Soleil music school

11:45am: DJ MATAFAN concert

Around 12:30 in Salle Gavotine: LES Fameux DIOTS cooked in alembics

2pm: Arrival of Miss Noël (Miss Excellence Pays de Savoie)

2.45pm: Miss Noël's rissoles challenge

3pm in the Salle Gavotine: Les Chants Poulans and their traditional songs

And Santa Claus visits the party...

And to discover, throughout the day :
Exhibition: "Scènes hivernales de la vie d'autrefois" ("Winter scenes of life in the past"), with old-fashioned objects found around the stove at Christmas time and during the winter...
Market with 35 local producers and craftsmen: products for your festive menus and a host of gifts to put under the tree!

And don't forget your takeaway rissoles: to cook at home,
or baked or pan-fried

Useful information

Opening dates

Sunday 8 December at 10 am.


Free access.