The Chablais UNESCO Global Geopark’s Scientific Steering Committee plays an advisory role for the Chablais Geopark and the “Syndicat Intercommunal d’Aménagement du Chablais” (SIAC), the regional development agency. It provides scientific information to help elected officials make decisions.
The duties of the Scientific Steering committee
The Comittee identifies and promotes research concerning the Geopark, bolsters the Chablais’ reputation through new research and cooperation projects, and shares these discoveries with the general public.
It also protects the area’s heritage, promotes the Chablais area as well as its beauty and natural resources, and informs inhabitants about both natural hazards and the range of activities in the area.

- It conducts surveillance and serves as a link between the Chablais and academia. The Scientific Stering Committee addresses all issues that can help improve knowledge of the area by encouraging research activities in the Chablais.
- It helps implement and promote research carried out in the area;
- It contributes to the Geopark’s mission to educate, inform, and raise awareness among the public and stakeholders.
- At the request of the SIAC’s board and/or council, it may be asked to give an opinion on any issues the Chablais Geopark may face.
The Scientific Steering Committee comprises academics (geologists, hydrogeologists, geographers, botanists, geotourism specialists, historians, archaeologists, etc.), local professionals working in the geoscience field, and members of civil society.
The members of the Scientific Steering Committee
The Scientific steering committee is chaired by Dr Emmanuel Reynard, University of Lausanne, and co-chaired by Dr Jean-Marcel Dorioz, of the INRAE research institute in Thonon.